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Teacher Reports Overview

Explore InnerOrbit’s Assignment, Dimensions, and Gradebook Reports!

Sueann avatar
Written by Sueann
Updated yesterday

InnerOrbit's detailed NGSS-aligned reports deliver clear, data-driven insights into student performance, helping you make informed decisions about your next instructional steps. Let’s explore InnerOrbit’s three primary teacher reports, along with helpful data analysis resources.

🚀 Assignment Report

The Assignment Report provides detailed insights into student performance on individual questions.

How to Access the Assignment Report:

  1. Navigate to the “Reports” tab.

  2. Find the assessment you want to review.

  3. Click the “View the Full Report” button.

Key Features in the Assignment Report:

1. Results by Student

2. The Question Matrix:

📖 Learn more: The Assignment Report

📊 Dimensions Report

The Dimensions Report helps you visualize NGSS data by breaking it down across the three dimensions: Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs), and Crosscutting Concepts (CCCs).

How to Access the Dimensions Report:

  • Navigate to the "Reports" tab

  • Select the "Dimensions" tab

Key Features in the Dimensions Report:

1. Shareable Data

  • Collaborate with Colleagues: Share your data to identify common patterns.

    • Click “Get Shareable Link” and send the link to collaborators.

2. Usage Overview

  • InnerOrbit Usage Data: Take a moment to celebrate all your hard work and all the amazing data you've collected 🎉

3. Dimensions Breakdown

  • Identify Mastery and Misconceptions: Understand what students have mastered and where they may need more practice.

  • Drill Down by Element: Click on a concept to expand and see detailed elements for targeted insights.

  • Understand the Data:

    • The percentage shown reflects overall accuracy across all students, questions, and assessments for the given dimension.

    • Example: “65% of all questions assessing the PS4 Disciplinary Core Idea (Waves and their Application) have been answered correctly.”

4. Dimensions Report Filtering Options

  • Customize the view to focus on specific assessments, rosters, or students.

📖 Learn more: The Dimensions Report

💡 Pro Tip: This report can be especially useful for monitoring student growth. See Analyzing Retake Data to Measure Growth to learn how!

📝 Gradebook

The Gradebook gives you a comprehensive view of student assessment scores, helping you track performance across assessments

How to Access the Gradebook:

  1. Navigate to the “Reports” tab.

  2. Select the “Gradebook” tab.

Key Features in the Assignment Report:

  1. View and Customize Data: Use the filters at the top to adjust the view based on specific needs.

  2. Export Data: Download the data as a CSV file using the “Download Gradebook” button.

  3. Student Answersheet: Easily access and review individual student answer sheets.

📖 Learn more: The Gradebook

📈 Data Analysis Resources

Now that you know what data is available in InnerOrbit, here are some resources to help you analyze it effectively. Analyzing data can feel overwhelming, but these strategies can help you pinpoint actionable next steps.

  • Collaborate with your professional learning community to discuss data trends and instructional strategies.

  • Plan data-driven instruction at a broader scale with school or district-level insights.

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