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The Gradebook

This article will guide you through InnerOrbit's Gradebook Report. View students' scores, individual answersheets, and more!

Sueann avatar
Written by Sueann
Updated over a week ago

The InnerOrbit Gradebook is designed for teachers to view assessment scores/averages by student.

We'll explore:


Go to "Reports" > "Gradebook"

You'll see student scores by roster:

  • View average scores in the TOTALS column.

    • To exclude assessments from the total average, hover over the assessment image to show the "uncheck" option.

  • In progress: students haven't finished the assessment

  • Needs grading: free response questions need scoring. Click on the prompt to go to your grading tab.

Accessing Student Answersheets

"Click" on a score to see a student's individual answersheet.

This view is great for 1 on 1 reviews or meetings with individual students!



Narrow down your view by date, school year, or question graded type.

  • See data from previous school years/semesters: "All Current Sessions"

  • Narrow down assessments: "Only include currently assigned quizzes" / "Only include assignments after this due date"

  • Analyze scores by question type:

    • Auto-Graded: multiple choice & drag and drop

    • Teacher-Graded: free response & drawing

  • Change score format: "Points/%"

How to Download

Use the green "Download Gradebook" button on the top right corner to export a csv file of your gradebook for further analysis or to input to your school gradebook.

Need help navigating other reports? Check out this reports overview!

Curious how our partners use InnerOrbit for Grades? Check out these tips!

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