District Administrators have access to InnerOrbit's District Report, where you can see dimensional data by school to measure mastery.
In this article, we'll discuss:
Overview of Report
You'll see data on the 3 dimensions of the NGSS in this report. Make sure to toggle between them:
Disciplinary Core Ideas
Science and Engineering Practices
Crosscutting Concepts
Additionally, be sure to see the district averages in the top purple bar to compare with school averages.
Origin of Data
Where did this data come from?
The percentages are: % of questions tagged with this dimension answered correctly across entire school year
The colors are: proficiency categories. The defaults use the general pattern of scale scores ranges in NGSS state science test results.
Change these ranges by clicking in the box, changing the value, and pressing enter
Filter to Customize
Find the exact data you're looking for by:
Filtering for assessment data from a specific time range
ex: Quarter 1 data from August 1 - October 1
Filter data by common assessment
See data from different school years
Download CSV
Export dimensional data by school using the download CSV button. (If you're looking to download data for 3rd party data systems, use the Assignment Report CSV)
Examples & Tips
Analyze results for specific common assessments across district and by school
Check on overall dimensional mastery across district
Be aware that this data includes ALL assessments, even diagnostics!
Compare district data across school years
Especially with common assessments
Gather wonderings about dimensional performance to then dive deeper into in your Dimensions Report
Check out usage/question level data for common assessments in the Assignment Report
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