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Assign or Copy Assessments Created by Other Teachers
Assign or Copy Assessments Created by Other Teachers

Is your team creating common assessments for multiple teachers to use? Would you like to copy someone else's assessment to modify? Read on!

Sueann avatar
Written by Sueann
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we discuss:

How do I find assessments created by other teachers in my school/district?

Option 1: SCROLL All Assessments

  1. Go to the "Library" tab.

  2. Scroll until you see the "By Other Teachers" section.

    1. This only includes teachers at your school/district.

    2. There is nothing you need to do to "share" assessments - all created assessments will appear in this section by teacher automatically.

Option 2: SEARCH All Assessments

  1. Go to the "Library" tab.

  2. Use the search bar at the top of the screen to search by assessment Title.

    1. Tip: Naming your assessments with specificity will help this search feature be more accurate! (ex: 23-24 4th Grade Unit 1 Test)

Option 3: Jump to Specific Teacher

  1. Go to the "Library" tab.

  2. Click on the Folder icon on the top left.

  3. Click on a specific school or teacher to jump right to them! No crazy scrolling!

How can I assign someone else's assessment?

  1. Once you find the assessment (directions in section above), click on it!

  2. You'll see a pink assigning window on the right.

    1. Once you have rosters in your account, you can assign them to your classes by checking them off.

    2. Check out these assigning/unassigning tips for more info.

How can I copy someone else's assessment?

If you want to use a colleague's assessment but need to make modifications, make a copy of the assessment.
*Be aware that if you make a copy, this will create a new assessment ID for the new assessment, which means the data won't be grouped with the original assessment in your school/district's reports

*Make sure to change the name of the assessment to avoid confusion for future assessment data analysis.

  1. Once you find the assessment (directions in this section)...

  2. Click the 3 dots in the top right corner of the assessment

  3. Click "Make a Copy to Modify"

  4. Enter a title for the copied assessment and click the green "Create Copy" button.

    1. You will more than likely need to refresh your page to see the new, copied assessment in your "Created by You" section.

What happens to our data if we assign other teachers' assessments?

Short answer: Your data stays completely separate!

You'll only see your data on the assessment in your account, and your colleague who created the assessment will only see their student data in their account!

If you want to see each other's data on assessments, you can set permissions for other teachers to have access to your reports.

If you are a coach/administrator and need to see data across your whole context, send us a message on the site chat that your need admin privileges added to your account!

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Use the purple magnifying glass in the bottom right corner of the screen

to chat with us anytime or email

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