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How can a district admin check on benchmark progress and results?
How can a district admin check on benchmark progress and results?

Check your district's benchmark progress through assignment reports, district reports, and dimensions reports.

Sueann avatar
Written by Sueann
Updated over 9 months ago

See your district's benchmark progress, explore:

  1. Assignment Reports: completion rate

  2. Grading: free response questions that need to be scored

To see results, explore:

  1. District Reports: results by school

  2. Dimensions Reports: deeply analyze standards

Progress: Assignments Report

Go to "Reports" > "Assignments", to see completion rate and submission data.

1. Click "View the Full Report" to go in depth on a specific assessment.

2. The green progress bar indicates how many students have completed the assessment compared to the total number of students assigned to it.

3. Click through each school to see which a list of student submissions by teacher and roster.

Incomplete: students have started the assessment, but have not yet submitted. *If the students have not started the assessment, their name would not appear in list. Click "show not taken" grey button to see those students.

4. Scroll down to the question data table to download the Student Standards Report CSV for student data on the assessment.

Progress: Grading

Go to "Grading", to see free response questions needing to be scored.

Assessments to grade will be grouped by school.

  • The blue "Review All Scores" button indicates all questions have been graded.

  • The teal "View Questions to Grade" indicates some questions still need to be graded

Results: District Report

Go to "Reports" < "District", to see dimension data by school.

  1. Filter for specific assessments by clicking the blue "Select Assessments" button (you can select multiple assessments).

    1. The percentages in the top purple bar are the district percentages, which you can compare to the school percentages in the rows below.

b. After filtering for assessments, you can toggle between assessments by checking/unchecking!

Results: Dimensions Report

Go to "Reports" < "Dimensions", to take a deep dive into the dimensional data.

  1. Filter for specific assessments by clicking the blue "Select Assessments" button (you can select multiple assessments).

    1. Be sure to check out the additional filters in the purple bar on the left!

2. Click on each dimension to show specific elements that were assessed.

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