The sections below discuss 3 methods to see the standard tags for an assessment after it has been built.
Method #1: See general standard tags of the assessment.
Method #2: Find specific standard tags from your Assignment Report
Method #3: Search for standards tags from the original phenomena
I. See general standard tag of the assessment
Go to the "Assessments" tab. Click on "Show standards" button to see what standards are being assessed.
II. Find specific standard tags from your Assignment Report
Step 1. Go to "Reports" > "Assignments". Click the assessment's "View Full Report" blue button.
β*Make sure the assessment is assigned to be able to find it in the Assignments Reports.
Step 2. Scroll down past all student scores to find the question data. Hover over the question to find the standard tag under the percentage score (highlighted red).
Step 3. You can also "Download Question to Standard Alignment" button. Once you click on the button, a csv file would be downloaded to your computer.
Step 4. In the downloaded csv file, you can find the standard tags per question in column C.
III. Search for standard tags from the original phenomena
Step 1. If you don't remember which specific phenomena and questions you used, click into the assessment tile under your "Assessments" tab.
Step 2. The phenomena title would be on the top left corner of the gifs.
Step 3. We recommend opening a second tab for this step to view your assessment questions and search at the same time. Go to the assessment builder page and search by typing in the phenomena title in the search bar.
Step 4. Click into your phenomena and hover over the original question to see the standard tags.
If you have any question or feedback, feel free to contact via the bottom left chat bot or email