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New and Updated Questions on InnerOrbit

What “Archived” questions mean for you and your assessments!

Erin Cooke avatar
Written by Erin Cooke
Updated over a month ago

At InnerOrbit, we’re constantly improving our assessments based on up-to-date research, educator feedback, and student data—just like any great scientist would! This means we occasionally archive questions, revise existing ones, and introduce phenomenal new items that are more accessible, engaging, and standards-aligned. Let’s dive into what this means for you and your assessments. 🎉

This guide will answer:

Why are questions in my assessment “Archived”?

When questions in your assessment are marked as “Archived”, it means:

  1. The question has been updated to better align with standards.

  2. A new, improved version has been created to be more accessible and engaging.

  3. The question has been retired to ensure the highest-quality assessments moving forward.

This process helps us provide the most accurate student data while keeping your assessments fresh and impactful!

🆕 How Should I Handle Archived Questions?

When you see the “Archived” notification in your assessment, you have 2 main options:

Option 1: Update Your Assessment with Suggested Replacement Questions

To replace an archived question, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Assessment:

    • Navigate to the assessment with archived questions.

  2. Access Archived Questions:

    • Click the “Archived Questions” tab in your assessment.

    • Select the “Find and Add New Questions” button.

  3. Review Replacement Questions:

    • Phenomena assessing the same standard (with the same type of question: 1D, 2D, or 3D) will appear.

    • To replace the archived question, find the question that suits your assessment and click “Replace with this Question.”

    Keep in mind: Once you delete archived questions, they will no longer be accessible on InnerOrbit.

    • To keep the question, click “Skip this Question.”

  4. Save Changes:

    • Click the green “Save” button at the bottom of the page to apply your updates.

⚠️ Important Note: Replacing a question may add a new phenomenon to your assessment if the original phenomenon has also been archived. In such cases, updated questions from new phenomena will be available for selection.

Option 2: Keep Archived Questions in Your Assessment

You can choose to retain archived questions in your assessment, or replace only specific ones. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the “No Thanks” button on the archived question notification.

  2. To replace only certain questions:

    • Navigate to the question you want to replace.

    • Click the “Find and Add New Questions” button.

    • Select “Skip this Question” for any questions you’d like to keep.

  3. Save Changes:

    • Don’t forget to click the green “Save” button to ensure your updates are applied.

📊 What does this mean for my data?

  • Your historical assessment data from prior school years will remain intact.

  • Updating questions may result in a slight shift in student data trends, as newer questions are more refined for accuracy.

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